WACH Research Day

The first annual Women+ and Children’s Health Sciences Research Day will feature poster presentations from WACH’s first cohort of new students (WACH 502 students), and upper year students. It will be held Tuesday, April 18, 12:00 – 2:00pm, in the BCCHR atrium.

All students, faculty, postdocs, and staff are welcome to attend, tour the poster presentations, and enjoy this opportunity to network and celebrate the first year of the WACH program.

Lunch will be provided.

Please register by April 7: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0cG3NKtfOcItmzc
We are also recruiting poster judges! Faculty and postdocs, please indicate if you would like to serve as a judge on the registration form.

WACH 502 students
Submit abstracts by April 7 @ 11:59pm on Canvas

Other WACH students
Submit abstracts for poster presentations by March 29 @ noon: https://bit.ly/3ZSRQfn