Congratulations Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral winners!

Congratulations to Amanda Nitschke and Jodie Pulsifer, who were recently awarded a Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral!

Amanda’s PhD research uses linked population-based administrative data to investigate the long-term developmental impacts of maternal autoimmune diseases during pregnancy.

Jodie is a Clinical Physiotherapist, and has been working in the area of pelvic health and persistent pain since 2016. In her PhD program, she will be working to BRIDGE the gap between research and practice as they explore physiotherapy treatments for persistent pelvic pain and clinician enablers and barriers to implementation. The end goal is to make treatment more meaningful and accessible to those experiencing this common yet misunderstood and undertreated condition

The Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral competition is currently open. Applications are due September 13 @ noon. View detailed eligibility and application procedures here, and stayed tuned for updates and reminders from @ubcWACH.